April Board Meeting Minutes
MONDAY, April 5, 2021 7:00 P.M.
I. ROLL CALL: Brian Beavers, Jeremy Salem, John Minet, Deanne Unruh Matt Stein, Karen Walker, Randy Rockhold, Ted Brown, Skyler Lightner and Debbie Benton
VISITORS: Tate Davis
II. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Tate Davis requested extend his work study to full days.
III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: John Minet moved and Karen Walker seconded to approve the agenda. Carried 6-0
- Jeremy Salem reported on the monthly SWKACD #613 meeting.
- Karen Walker reported on the monthly SWPRSC meeting,
- Matt Stein reported that there would be a possible 2% cut to the 2021/22 state aid for the general fund and LOB, in his Governmental Relations report.
Ted Brown reported on the Middle School and High School activities. He also reported that this is the month for NWEAMAP as well as state assessments.
- Skyler Lightner reported that the elementary would be busy with testing this month. She also reported that the Kindergarten Roundup would by April 16th
- Randy Rockhold reported that graduation would be open this year. 8 th Graders would have graduation on May the 7th at 7:00 P.M. and the Seniors would have their graduation on May 8 th at 3 :00 P
- Randy Rockhold reported that the ESSER Il monies would be spent on air quality and social emotional needs.
- 1. John Minet moved and Matt Stein seconded to go into executive session for one hour to discuss non-elected personnel to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 8:45 P.M. All board members and administrators were involved in the executive session. Can•ied 6-0
- Jeremy Salem moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes from the March 1 st regular board meeting and the minutes from the special meetings on March 4th, and March 29th. Claim vouchers in the amount of $394,240.13 which includes the March payroll. Carried 6-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Jeremy Salem seconded to approve the following hires for the 2021/22 school year: Shelly Whipple, AD; Greg Howard, Head Boys HS Basketball; Branson Sandoval, Asst. HS Football; and Christine Dillingham, Asst. HS Volleyball. Canried 6-0
VI. ADJOURN: John Minet moved and Matt Stein seconded to adjourn at 8:55P.M. Canied 6-0