March Board Meeting Minutes
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 7:00 P.M.
I. ROLL CALL: Brian Beavers, Jeremy Salem, John Minet, Deanne Unruh Joanna Schmeeckle, Matt Stein, Karen Walker, Randy Rockhold, Ted Brown, Skyler Lightner and Debbie Benton
VISITORS: Jodi Pitts, Debbie Jury, Justin and Stephanie Waggoner, Paige Howard and Braden Pelischek
II. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Visitors presented their concerns with the proposed 2021/22 school calendar.
III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: John Minet moved and Matt stein seconded to approve the agenda. Carried 7-0
- Jeremy Salem reported there was no SWKACD #613 meeting.
- Karen Walker reported on the SWPRSC meeting.
- Matt Stein reported on current Governmental Relation.
- Joanna Schmeeckle moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to go into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 7:55 P.M. All board members and administrators were involved in the executive session. Carried 7-0
- Karen Walker moved and Matt Stein seconded to go into executive session for fifteen minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identiflable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 8:11 P.M. Only board members were involved in the executive session. Carried 7-0
- John Minet moved and Karen Walker seconded to go into executive session for ten minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 8:22 P.M. Only board members were involved in the executive session. Carried 7-0
- Jeremy Salem moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to go into executive session for five minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 8:28 P.M. Only board members were involved in the executive session. Carried 7-0
- Karen Walker moved and John Minet seconded to approve a contract for Emily Feldt as Middle School Math teacher for the 2021-22 school year. Carried 7-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Matt Stein seconded to approve a contract for Michaela Strecker as Fifth Grade teacher for the 2021-22 school year. Can•ied 7-0
- John Minet moved and Joanna Schmeeckle seconded to approve a contract for Luke Johnson as K-12 Music teacher for the 2021-22 school year. Carried 7-0
- Matt Stein moved and Jeremy Salem seconded to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes from the February 1 st regular board
meeting and the minutes from the special meeting on February22nd. Claim vouchers in the amount of $217,940.81 which includes the February payroll. Carried 7-0
- Brian Beavers moved and Matt Stein seconded to approve the proposed2021/22 school calendar as presented by Randy Rockhold. Carried 6-1(Opposed — Jeremy Salem)
- Deanne Unruh moved and John Minet seconded to approve the Appropriately Licensed Educator Policy as presented by Randy Rockhold. Carried 7-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Joanna Schmeeckle seconded to approve the Out of District Student Policy as presented by Ted Brown. Families must apply every year Carried 7-0
VI. ADJOURN: Joanna Schmeeckle moved and Jeremy Salem seconded to adjourn at 9:05 P.M. Carried 7-0
THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, 2021 7:00 P.M.
I. ROLL CALL: Brian Beavers (by phone), Karen Walker, Jeremy Salem,
Deanne Unruh, Joanna Schmeeckle, Matt Stein (by phone), Randy Rockhold & Debbie Benton
II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Karen Walker moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to approve the agenda. Carried 6-0
- Jeremy Salem moved and Karen Walker seconded to go into executive session for fifteen minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 4:15 PPM. All board members present and by phone as well as Randy Rockhold and Debbie Benton were involved in the executive session. Carried 6-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Matt Stein seconded to except the immediate resignation of Vestal Teeter as Athletic Director. Carried 6-0
IV. ADJOURN: Joanna Schmeeclde moved and Karen Walker seconded to adjourn at 4:25 P.M. Carried 6-0
MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 5:30 P.M.
I. ROLL CALL: Brian Beavers (by phone), Karen Walker, Jeremy Salem, Deanne Unruh, Joanna Schmeeckle, Matt Stein, John Minet, Randy Rockhold, Ted Brown, Skyler Lightner & Debbie Benton
II APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Jeremy Salem moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to approve the agenda. Carried 7-0
- 1. Brian Beavers moved and Matt Stein seconded to go into executive session for ninety minutes to discuss non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy of identifiable individuals. The regular meeting will reconvene in the board room at 7:05 P.M. All board members present and administrators were involved in the executive session. Carried 7-0
- Brian Beavers left the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
- Jeremy Salem moved and John Minet seconded to approve a contract for Stephanie Wick as a Secondary Teacher for the 2021-22 school year. Carried 6-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Matt Stein seconded to approve a contract for Oree Johnson IV as a High School Facilitator and a coaching contract for
- High School Football for the 2021-22 school year. Carried 6-0
- John Minet moved and Karen Walker seconded to approve a HS Volleyball coaching contract for Jennifer Brock for the 2021-22 school year Carried 6-0
- Deanne Unruh moved and Jeremy Salem seconded to approve a JH Volleyball coaching contract for Haley Falk for the 2021-22 school year. Carried 6-0
- Karen Walker moved and John Minet seconded to accept the retirement of Raymond Diller, Industrial Arts, effective at the end of the 2020-21 school year, Carried 6-0
- IV. ADJOURN: Joanna Schmeeckle moved and John Minet seconded to adjourn at 8:35 PIM. Canied 7-0