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Ingalls USD 477


State Forensics

  State Forensics As the year comes to a close so does the forensics season. As every year the season ends with a state competition. In order for anyone to go to state you would need to qualify for it by getting a . . .

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Over Population

 Overpopulation America suffers the same way all of the world suffers, overpopulation. Overpopulation, or overabundance, occurs when a species' population becomes so excessive that people deem it must be managed. It . . .

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More Recipe Goodness!

  Dinner Rolls First, buy a package of frozen Rhodes Dinner Rolls Next, spray a cupcake pan with cooking spray and preheat oven to 350 degrees Then, place two rolls in each cupcake holder . . .

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Community Updates

  Community Garden, City Park Updates Headline Ingalls City Council Updates Back in May there was a proposal to create a community garden for the town. The city council voted in favor of the creation of the community . . .

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Laughing Out Loud

Laughing Out Loud    Welcome to Student Comedy my name is Trinity Denton. I love to keep things funny. My guest today is Mr. Diller. For you who do not know, he is the beloved shop teacher at Ingalls High. He . . .

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NFL Teams - Who's Your Favorite?

Ingalls Students Favorite NFL Teams   The NFL is a big part of some students’ lives and we decided to take a poll and see some of their favorite teams. 27 students responded to the email, and here are their . . .

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High School Quotes

  High School Quotes    There are many things that students go through to get through the day like a quote they remember or go by, so I went out to go look for some of the quotes the students in our . . .

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Teacher Quotes

  Teacher Quotes This year, I decided to collect our High School teachers’ favorite quotes to share with students! Ted Brown, our HS Principal, said, “Good things happen to good people who work hard”. . . .

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Deep Thoughts with Mrs. Bailey

DEEP THOUGHTS, WITH MRS. BAILEY   We have a lot of inspirational people in our school, but the one we find the most inspirational is Mrs. Bailey.  So, for the remainder of the year and for the rest of the . . .

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Meggie's Book Review

  Meggie’s Book Review   Over the last few weeks, I had the joy of reading The Giver, by Lois Lowry. This book takes place in a dystopian future where conflict, poverty, divorce and unemployment does . . .

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